How We Provide Hope
Our Programs and Campaigns

Food Drive
Hope For Whitehorse
and Beyond
Whitehorse is a wonderful part of Melbourne yet people are still doing it tough. Families and individuals struggle to make ends meet and community service agencies cannot keep up with the demand. We believe that Whitehorse residents want their neighbours, who are doing it tough, to have Hope.
Each year, churches in Whitehorse band together and provide a Hope grocery bag, to neighbours/households in the community, with a list of needed items and a date for collection. The donated food is then passed on to community service organisations who are at the coal-face of helping people in need. 2017 was our first year and the community donated in excess of $22,800 worth of needed groceries. This year, 2018, we boosted our efforts, more churches came together and $40,800+ worth of groceries were collected. Great effort!

English Classes
Hope in Communication
The City of Whitehorse has a great proportion of the population who speak a language at home other than English. The City has a culturally diverse a population. There are many who do not have basic English comprehension. St Tom's Hope provides English Classes in a caring community at very low cost and with subsidies available.